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On intelligence

The general conception of intelligence is that, it is a domain of humankind and so the human stands as a standard. Whenever we think of intelligence we start comparing the level of intelligence with fellow human being. The I.Q and E.Q tests are also based on generalizations of human intelligence. If we accept the human intelligence as a standard then it becomes an acceptable to compare human of the past with present to see the evolution of intelligence. The amazing facts that comes immediately (even without conducting a research and quantification of the data) that human have informed by their investigations but intelligence doesn't seem that have furthered...

The immediate and simple comparison is that of the top minds... This is agreeable that in our times there are more Scientists and engineers than any time in known history. Of course in coming time the numbers will grow exponentially...but still it is not the sign of the evolution of the intelligence but the inflation of information....

The Works of Shakespeare, Micheal Angelou, Firdousi, Aristotle, Plato, Euclid and so on are still somewhat unchallenged masterpieces... Even ordinary city dwellers of our times are more informed than legendary great minds of the past but the advantages of information doesn't help them to compare themselves with the intelligence or greatness of those ancient brains....

The evolution of the intelligence is linked with "thinking" and thinking is rare commodity in all times and will stay in short supply even if human produce the chips and computers that mimic human brain, capable of learning from their experience.....