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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Map of reality…..Check, if yours is upgradable….

What we own are the maps of reality not the reality….
It is said that Hegel was an encyclopedic writer…as well as an encyclopedic reader….. Yet, I like his few philosophical conclusions like….. The ideas evolve by a cycle of ….thesis…antithesis…synthesis…. Truth without content is nothing (gives no information)…. Mind is an abstract of natural world….. Thought is an objective reality…..
Despite being an encyclopedic thinker…Hegel had a clear and coherent set of thinking rules by which he was measuring reality….. And it is what distinct a philosopher from rest as well as from other philosophers…. In fact, the only intentional individualists are philosophers…it doesn’t matter what their constructed ideologies are….They develop their own set of rules…….These set of rules are what we call “map of reality” as philosophers go with these maps in hunts for reality (truth?) (Just as shown in “Pirates of Caribbean”…that pirates’ most valuable assets are maps and compass by which they go to treasures) ….
Of course it is not only Philosophers who have maps…Buddhist monks’ (I will prefer to call thinkers as some people use their meditation techniques but aren’t Buddhist) records of thinking almost parallel those of philosophers in antiquity….as well as finding utility in directing the lives of the people…. Being open end in their thought process…Buddhist meditation techniques have evolved beyond a religion… into a tool of fitness and wellbeing….. It is what it shares with other disciplines…The core of all successful disciplines like Science, Philosophy and arts is being open end in their thinking processes……
By reading the description of a Saint in “The Dhammapada” you may agree with me that the core success of neutrality and widespread acceptance of Buddhist meditation as a tool of wellbeing in all parts of world irrespective of local religions…is lies in their open end thought processes that find their utility everywhere and all the times….. In Dhammapada the Saints are praised as …”Wisdom has stilled their minds, and their thoughts, words, and deeds are filled with peace. Freed from illusion and from personal ties, they have renounced the world of appearance to find reality. Thus they have reached highest”… although monks seek reality beyond appearance but by being involved in an open end thought process their techniques find utility for those who are in love with world of appearance but are suffering from it…..Open end thought processes help them wash their sufferings and reach a peace of mind at their disposal…………..
In above two paragraphs, I provided the examples a philosopher and Buddhist thinkers both of whom use their thinking power to unravel the reality…. The philosopher tries to find reality of appearance and master the nature… and Buddhist thinkers try to find the reality beyond appearance and attain ultimate peace….
So thinking processes are maps of reality….. Reality? Yes, it has unknown depths…the depths depend on the stamina and desire of seekers…to what level they dare to dive deep….
Why I chose Hegel among philosophers? …. I chose him because his thinking process is an open ending one and it is always upgradable…. Philosophers who have constructed closed end thought processes…. have frozen to a particular time….their ideas are not upgradable…. (Like those of existentialist thinkers…etc)
I chose Buddhist thinkers…. because unlike a lot of other school of thoughts… it has an open end thinking mechanism…people who are seeking wisdom or wellbeing find utility in it without agreeing with philosophy of Buddhism…it is more of thinking mechanism like Science… So it is also upgradable….
Hence the conclusion is that…… it doesn’t matter whether you are a philosopher, a thinker or simply one who is interested to have a map to navigate into reality…. Having an open end approach in thinking process will make you able to upgrade over time and …on other hand…by choosing or developing a closed end thinking method will freeze you in your own world view………….


  1. I share this knol, about autoconscious mind and consciousness, inán/autoconscious-mind-and-consciousness/3sktw3ldc86j2/106
